Middle Mewa Hydropower Project 

Project in brief

Located at a distance of 700 Km northeast of Kathmandu, Middle Mewa HPP is one of the very few Peaking Run of River (PROR) type projects in Nepal. The project is proposed in Mewa river in Taplejung District of eastern Nepal. The project shall utilize the design discharge of 18.76 m3/s to generate 73.5 MW of electricity with daily peaking of 6 hours. The project is accessible through a 32 km of access road from Banande Bazar located at Mechi Highway. 

Progress Updates

Civil Works

– Headworks excavation works completed, jet grouting works ongoing
– Concrete works at the headpond, settling basin and spillway are ongoing
– Cutoff wall percussion drilling and concreting work ongoing
– Tunnel portal of headrace tunnel completed
– Headrace tunnel 4711m length excavation works completed out of 5724m length.
– Penstock alignment tunnel 856m excavation works completed
– Concrete infill work at the vertical shaft is ongoing
– Powerhouse excavation and all three unit turbine second stage concreting works are completed
– Powerhouse area tunnel 753m excavation works completed
– Concrete works for transformer completed
– Tailrace tunnel invert and shear wall concreting works ongoing
– Switchyard foundation and protection work ongoing

Hydromechanical Works

–  Fabrication of first-stage and second-stage embedded parts of settling basin inlet-outlet gate
and stop logs, settling basin flushing gates and stop logs, turbine outlet gate, release and
scouring sluice stop logs, gravel flushing gates/stop logs have been completed
–  Fabrication works of Bifurcations and Bellmouth are in progress.

– Penstock pipe steel plates 1260 MT are delivered to the site and fabrication works for penstocks
are in progress.
–  Fabrication of 706m penstock pipe has been completed.
– Erection of penstock pipe at upper-pressure tunnel is ongoing, 91.2 m completed.
– Erection of 37.5 m of penstock pipe at vertical shaft-1 is completed and bend 4 is completed.
–  Erection of 7 m of penstock bend 6 and 60 m of penstock pipe at vertical shaft-2 are completed.

Electromechanical Works

– Manufacturing of the turbine bifurcation and housing, MIV, Pelton runner, penstock protection
valve, hydraulic governor, nozzle, needles, jet deflector system, and digital governor are

-Turbine bifurcation and turbine housing of all three units reached the site, and installation
completed at all three units. The turbine housing/bifurcation pressure test for all three units
completed, along with the second stage concreting
– Three units main Transformer installation completed.
–  Main transformer oil filtration and filling, radiators and accessories installation works

–  EOT crane testing and commissioning works completed.